Developing Clean Technologies

Taking decisive action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is a global initiative that Zengas Energy takes seriously.  Based on extensive research, Zengas has developed a unique approach to a complex problem.  Natural gas, one of the most abundant sources of fuel on the planet, contains an enormous amount of clean energy in the form of hydrogen. By combining established science with cutting edge technology, Zengas is able to strip harmful carbon from the gas leaving only clean-burning hydrogen, which makes a zero-emission future not only possible, but accessible and affordable too. Our zero-emission technology requires no modifications to existing infrastructure, no costly deep earth storage facilities and no complicated systems to capture emissions. It provides an elegant transition to the new normal of a clean energy future.  

Overcoming Issues & Obstacles

Climate change is melting our icecaps, causing flooding, drought, and wildfires, and threatening the habitats and food sources of almost a million endangered species, including us. Solutions are available, however the belief that renewables: solar, wind, and biomass power, will save the day ignores the issues of cost, sustainability and public resistance to intrusive infrastructure. Research has shown that they cannot be scaled to the required level to impact and slow climate change. Yet they have become the relentless focus of the public, governments and investors because they give the impression that dramatic changes are afoot. It would shock people to know that we have overlooked proven science and technology that could make a zero emission future a reality sitting idle because of an over-reliance on the promise of renewable technologies.

A Simple Solution to Lower Emissions

The widespread use of hydrogen, particularly in heavy industry and commercial processes but also for domestic heating and transportation can dramatically reduce the impact of carbon on our environment. Increased hydrogen use is projected to represent 18% of global energy consumption by 2050. The Hydrogen Council estimates that using hydrogen would avoid 6 Billion tonnes of CO2 emissions, create a $2.5 Trillion market for hydrogen and related equipment and provide sustainable employment for 30 million people.
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